Examples of my work

Toyota Market Position Research Paper

From the previous century to now, the automotive brand Toyota has been a household name in the industry. In essence, Toyota has always been admired and respected for the consistent trend of quality, affordability, and performance that all their products have expressed. And for that reason, the brand possessed a large portion of the market, that is, until recently. In the past few years, Toyota has suffered multiple issues that have changed their position in the eyes of the consumers. Among them, several include constant recalls, low-pricing strategies, and therefore lacking sales figures. Although Toyota has attempted to utilize advertising and promotional deals to entice buyers back into their dealerships, not one attempt to date has shown to be sufficiently successful. Hence, leaving the company in a current state of desperation, looking to recapture the admiration and respect of the market.

The paper itself can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19xO8n3wJt7k5e1w9n-90mosOVvRpMGn51G99ASbIgXU/edit?usp=sharing

Produced for:

MKTG 230

Project Duration:

4 Months


Market Evaluation